careers – test-2025

Careers – test-2025

2025 ALT Recruitment at Tokyo Metropolitan Schools
2025年度 都立学校 ALTの募集

The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education is seeking to recruit Assistant Language Teacher who can teach English and other languages at Tokyo Metropolitan schools.
Details are shown below.

Download this “Application Form” and after filling it out, send back to DIC(email: at your earliest convenience.
You also need to submit a copy of your residence card as well as a copy of your English teaching certificate (TESOL etc).

Please send them together with your application form to DIC by email.

Application acceptance period:  November 20th to December 6th, 2024.
(schedule is subject to be changed)





Employer / 採用
Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
Conditions / 応募資格・求められる能力
A person who satisfies both 1. and 2. below

1. Those who have all of the following (1) through (6) and possess the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties:
(1) Native speaker of English or possess equivalent ability.
(2) In principle, foreign nationality is required.
(3) The applicant’s period of stay must not expire before March 31, 2026, or he/she is expected to renew his/her period of stay and stay until the end of March 2026.
(4) Graduated from a university or higher educational institution.
(5) Those who have obtained a residence status of “instructor,” “long-term resident,” “permanent resident,” or “spouse or child of Japanese national,” pursuant to Article 2-2, Appended Table I (2), and Appended Table II of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Act No. 319 of 1951, hereinafter referred to as “Immigration Control Act”), or those whose status of residence is not among the above mentioned but who have obtained permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under their status of residence pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 2 of the Immigration Control Act and are allowed to serve as assistants.
(6) Those who are interested in teaching English as a foreign language, have a desire to be involved in education, and are suitable to be involved in education at schools.

2. A person who does not fall under any of the disqualifications listed in the following (1) through (5):
(1) A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or above and has not yet completed the sentence or has not yet been exempted from serving it.
(2) A person who has been dismissed from a position as a Tokyo Metropolitan Government employee for disciplinary reasons within the last two years from the date of such dismissal.
(3) A person who was a member of the Personnel Commission or the Fairness Commission and was sentenced for a crime provided for in Articles 60 to 63 of the Local Public Service Act
(4) A person who, after the enforcement of the Japanese Constitution, has formed or joined a political party or any other group advocating the violent destruction of the Constitution or the government established under it.
(5) A quasi-incompetent person under the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Amendment of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999), where the previous provisions still apply.


1. 次の(1)から(6)までの全て備え、かつ、職務の遂行に必要な知識及び技能を有する者
(1) 英語を母語とする者又は同等の能力を有すること。
(2) 原則、外国籍を有すること。
(3) 在留期間の終期が令和8年3月31日以降であるか、又は、確実に在留期間を更新し、令和8年3月末まで在留する見込みであること。
(4) 大学以上の教育機関を卒業していること。
(5) 出入国管理及び難民認定法(昭和26年政令第319号。以下「入管法」という。)第2条の2、別表第1の2及び第2により、「教育」、「定住者」、「永住者」、「日本人の配偶者等」の在留資格を取得しているか、又は、これ以外の在留資格であっても、入管法第19条第2項により資格外活動の許可を受け、外国人英語等教育補助員としての活動を行うことを認められた者であること。
(6) 外国語としての英語等の教育に関心があり、教育に携わる意欲を持つとともに、学校における教育に携わるのにふさわしい者であること。

2. 次の(1)から(5)に示す欠格事由の全てに該当しない者
(1) 禁錮以上の刑に処せられ、その執行を終わるまで又はその執行を受けることがなくなるまでの者
(2) 東京都職員として懲戒免職の処分を受け、当該処分の日から2年を経過しない者
(3) 人事委員会又は公平委員会の委員の職にあって、地方公務員法第60条から第63条までに規定する罪を犯し刑に処せられた者
(4) 日本国憲法施行の日以後において、日本国憲法又はその下に成立した政府を暴力で破壊することを主張する政党その他の団体を結成し、又はこれに加入した者
(5) 民法の一部を改正する法律(平成11年法律第149号)附則第3条第3項の規定により従前の例によることとされる準禁治産者

Method of recruiting / 採用方法
The selection process consists of two parts. In the first stage interview, which is undertaken by DIC International, names of successful candidates are listed on the “List of Candidates” and sent to Tokyo Metropolitan Schools via Tokyo Board of Education.
In the second stage interview, Tokyo Metropolitan Schools contact the candidate who they think can be the perfect match with the teaching plan of the corresponding school and conduct the interview with the candidate.
After the interview with the school is over, Tokyo Board of Education will be responsible for making the final recruiting decision for the candidate as well as signing the employment contract with the candidate.
Please note that being on the “List of Candidates” does not guarantee the recruiting from the school.
Term of contract / 契約期間
Between April 2025 and March 31, 2026 as designated by the school
Employment status / 雇用形態
Hourly-paid employee / 時間講師
Working hours / 勤務時間
① Full-time courses / 全日制 8:30 – 15:20
② Part-time courses / 定時制 17:30 – 21:10 (three or four schedules 三部制 / 四部制 8:30 – 21:10)
For either of the above, maximum 7 hours a day or 29 hours a week (maximum 1,015 hours a year)
Working hours may vary depending on the school.
Type of Tokyo Metropolitan schools / 勤務場所
① Senior high school / 高等学校
② Secondary school (six-year system) / 中等教育学校
③ Junior high school / 高等学校附属中学校
④ Elementary school / 中等教育学校附属小学校
⑤ Special needs education schools / 特別支援学校
Remuneration / 給与
5,500 yen per hour / 1時間 5,500円
Transport fee is additionally paid / 交通費支給 (上限あり)
Insurance / 保険
Only the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance / 労働者災害補償保険のみ
Job details / 業務内容
〇 Assistance in English and other foreign languages classes at Tokyo Metropolitan schools designated by Tokyo BOE. This includes preparation and review during one school hour before and after classes.
〇 Assistance in lectures that take place during long-term holidays. This includes preparation and review during one school hour before and after classes.
長期休業期間中等に実施される講習の補助を行うこと。 また、講習の前後に、授業に関する準備やまとめを行うこと。
〇 Assistance in preparation and evaluation of performance tests at periodic examinations.
〇 Arrangement of class plan at the start of school semester.

Please download this Application Form” and after filling it out, send back to DIC International Incorporated (email: at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please send them to the above email address or call DIC at 03-5227-5931.
You also need to submit a copy of your residence card as well as a copy of your English teaching certificate (TESOL etc).
Please send them together with your application form to DIC by email.


Privacy Policy:
ALT Recruitment 2025 values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. When you submit your personal information to us, we will share it with the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education and the recruiters of the Tokyo Metropolitan schools that are seeking Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs). We will not share your personal information with any other parties except as described above.
